24,000 Slokas of Valmiki Ramayana with Meanings for the first time in the world.

Project needs 30,000 Ram Bhakts who can donate Rs.1200/- each.


  1. To form a peaceful society where spirituality and wisdom replace the narrow-minded religious divide among humans. 2. Digitalising Valmiki Ramayana reduces the risk of perpetuating misinformation and misinterpretations on Lord Rama. 

Why Ramayana?

The tale of Ram has the power to inspire individuals not only to uphold righteousness but also to stand up for it and defend it. Even those from different religious backgrounds, upon hearing the epic Ramayana, are captivated and yearn to hear it repeatedly. Witnessing Ram’s journey teaches them to set aside their weaknesses and focus on their strengths as they move forward. They will seek out the company of virtuous individuals, regardless of their power, and avoid toxic friendships, even if they possess great influence. Gradually, with the support of their loyal companions, unwavering commitment to righteousness, self-belief, and faith in a higher power, they will triumphantly march towards success. Moreover, once our minds become strong and dharmic, there shall be peace and harmony everywhere. People will stop fighting on the name and form of god and will learn that it is only our karma and dharma that decide our lives, and the blessing or curse can never be a personal discretion of god.

It's a shame that the best of men is not known outside India!

We all know that King Raama is the epitome of greatness among all the men who have graced this world since its creation. However, it is disheartening that most of the world’s population remains oblivious to his existence even today. Why are individuals, including those in India, unaware of Ram’s authentic history as detailed in the Valmiki Ramayana?

It is truly disheartening and shameful to witness the growing fanbase of Ravana without people realising the full context of his character in the Valmiki Ramayana. Ravana is often portrayed as a powerful and charismatic figure in leftist media outlets, which can be appealing to audiences who may not be familiar with the original epic. Moreover, he is revered as a hero by a select group of intellectuals who consume news from social media and have no patience to delve into the original source material. However, by idolising Ravana without recognising his malevolent nature, individuals overlook the divine power of Ram, who serves as a model for ideal human behaviour on Earth. Who is responsible for the failure to make the true epic of Ram known to Indians, if not the entire world?

Numerous reasons could contribute to this phenomenon. The outcome? The global consequences are evident. Society is currently enduring the repercussions of radical ideologies. Ironically, the paradox here is that the root cause of this suffering remains unknown.

Religion is the most insane invention ever in the History of mankind.

The concept of God, aimed at providing insight into our origins, purpose, and the essential aspects of life, namely Karma and Dharma, seems to be having an adverse effect on human progress. While some advocate for blind faith or face dire consequences, others claim that belief can lead to miraculous healing. Additionally, some assert that belief will grant unimaginable pleasures in the afterlife, surpassing earthly enjoyment.

The questions that we have to ask ourselves are: Why should I come to earth to go to heaven? Why can't I go there directly? All said an done where did i come from? Did i ever exist before i was here? If I have existed at some place, then why can't I go back to the same place? Why should I go to heaven, leaving my source where I lived from infinite time in the past? If I hadn't existed anywhere before I came to the earth plane, then my soul has a date of birth. This means it will obviously have a date of death.

In the place where darkness prevails, evil rules. Then, these questions are never permitted. They may cost one's life. In such scenarios, the people's wisdom will slowly die with generations, and the logical mind will become permanently numb. It will lose its rationality and stop thinking. When there is no thinking, there cannot be questioning. When the rational part of the humans dies, they comfortably ignore the good deeds of the divine men and the bad deeds of the evil men. This is the time when our society requires a correction.

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Noxious and deleterious consequences of not knowing Ramayana?

The Ramayana is a potent vaccine and an antidote to adharma and violence. What happens if that vaccine is not made available to people worldwide? Undoubtedly, ignorance will spread, evil will propel, and adharma and ashanti will prevail. Finally, Adharma will be seen as Dharma, and Dharma will be seen as Adharma.

If the world does not remember Ram as a hero, distorted knowledge will prevail. As a result, individuals without wisdom will be revered as role models. This will result in a multitude of unfortunate incidents, inflicting significant harm upon humanity. Frequently, we tend to disregard such occurrences when they transpire in distant places, unaware of the devastation they inflict on people's lives. However, if we ignore them, we cannot complain when evil strikes close to home. Currently, evil is directly challenging us, necessitating our undivided attention. We must adeptly educate it or else risk succumbing to its influence.

If ignorance increases, it will pose a massive threat to wisdom. Blindness increased year by year since 3000 BCE. We ignored the disease for centuries. We have travelled very long without eyes. Now, when over 95% of people have become blind, the people with eyesight are being treated as sick people. They will be mocked for what they can see. When people are not introduced to iconic people like Rama with divine nature, they will automatically be introduced to people of a demonic nature. Evil dominates the world only when good fails to do its job.

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Let us drive away the ignorance with wisdom.

It is crucial to acknowledge that darkness is not an entity on its own but simply the absence of light. Therefore, instead of blaming others for the prevailing darkness, let us focus on enlightening our lives with the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana. By delving into the itihasa, the unaltered history of Lord Rama, the world will be astounded and amazed at the discovery of such an extraordinary character that remained unknown for all these years.

So, by making this ancient history more accessible to a broader audience, individuals can comprehend Raavana's character comprehensively, beyond his noble tasks in bringing the Vedas to the mortal world and reciting extraordinary hymns and panegyrics on Lord Shiva. Exposing true scripture to the public will enable them to explore Ravan's motivations and actions, viewing him as a villain with entirely demonic traits, as described in the Gita Slokas (Chapter 18 Slokas 7, 16, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, and 38 & Chapter 16 Slokas 7 to 20).

Digitalising the Ramayana could provide a platform for those who critique Rama's decisions to watch the relevant chapters and better understand the context, thereby ending baseless arguments regarding Ravana's heroism. Failing to provide these resources online risks perpetuating misinformation and misinterpretations, hindering individuals from verifying the truth. Consequently, this may lead to glorifying characters such as Ravana, a formidable demon who is nearly invincible unless faced with joint action of all possible righteous resources.

Therefore, digitalising Valmiki Ramayana can help preserve the integrity of this timeless epic while promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of its teachings in the modern era.

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The more ignorant people become, the more non-issues will become issues, and real issues will become non-issues. Ignorant and foolish citizens will become a boon for politicians, as they can easily manipulate them and multiply their assets.

So, If we can instil wisdom and righteousness in the people, they will naturally discern which issues are worth fighting for and which are not. They will be able to choose their leaders wisely and avoid those who are unfit. This discernment and judgement will serve as a reminder to governments, prompting them to prioritize the greater good.

Complete Ramayana with Meanings - a project for the first time in the world.

Considering the above mentioned takeaways, we have resolved to digitize the entire 24000 slokas of Valmiki Ramayana. So far, we have successfully digitalized Bhagavad Gita with meanings in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada in three different styles and made them available on our YouTube channels.  We are currently undertaking the task of digitizing the 24,000 slokas of the Ramayana with meanings for the first time in the world. The story of Lord Rama will be explained verse by verse, using the Valmiki Ramayana, ensuring an accurate and undistorted account of the itihasa.

Our project involves digitizing all the 648 sargas, with each sarga treated as one video file. On average, each video will contain 40 slokas, and the duration will range from 30 to 60 minutes. The project’s estimated budget is Rs.3.6 crores for three languages. To ensure widespread access, we will distribute the audio files of all 648 chapters of the Ramayana free of cost to temples in 648,000 villages across India, associating with reputed local YouTubers from all 29 states of India. This will enable people to listen to the Ramayana during the early hours of each day.

Additionally, we will upload the entire collection of Ramayana video files on YouTube, making it accessible to every household and cell phone worldwide. This initiative aims to bring the timeless wisdom of the Ramayana to people’s homes and hearts. This project in English will resonate across the world, overpowering the cacophony of blind religious beliefs. People will find solace in embracing their true spiritual essence, abandoning centuries-old dogmas and embracing their dharmic heritage.

We are dedicated to producing individual videos that will tackle the 100 most frequently asked questions or misunderstandings about Lord Rama. Each verse will be recited, and its precise, unaltered meaning will be explained, leaving no room for confusion. This endeavour is designed to help all well-educated individuals, particularly women, resolve their uncertainties, hatred, and anger towards Lord Rama.

Project requires 30,000 Ram Bhakts who can donate Rs.1200/- each

As followers of Lord Ram, it is our responsibility to contribute to preserving his legacy for future generations. Supporting this project is not only a way to demonstrate your love and devotion to Lord Ram but also a means to educate and inspire others. We encourage everyone to donate a minimum of 1200 rupees, or even more if possible, to help us reach our target by October 17, 2024, which marks the birthday of Maharshi Valmiki.

Once we have received commitments from 30,000 donors, we will share the account details for transferring the funds. Also, please overcome the usual Indian mindset that someone else will donate, which leads to no one donating. Visit our website and leave your details now. There is no need to transfer the donation amount now. You may donate after we get support from 30,000 people.


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